Detailliertere Information zu unseren Workshops findest du weiter unten!

  • 19.06.2024 - 108 Sonnengrüße zur Sommersonnenwende
  • 23.08.2024 - Kaula Hatha Yoga Stunde 120 min mit Melanie Shank / Texas
  • 24.08.2024 - Einführung in Kaula Hatha Yoga mit Melanie Shank / Texas
  • 25.08.2024 - Fortgeschrittene Praktiken in Kaula Hatha Yoga mit Melanie Shank / Texas
  • 07.09.2024 - Mantra Yoga Stunde - Feel good, Feel God
  • 18.09.2024 - 108 Sonnengrüße zur Tag- und Nachtgleiche im Herbst
  • 21.09.2024 - Die Liebe in Dir - Eine Praxisreihe für Dein Herz Chakra mit Mahavishnu Michael Lawrenz-Halbig
  • 19.10.2024 - Mantra Yoga Stunde - Feel good, Feel God
  • 26.-27.10.2024 - Biomechanik der Asanas in Theorie und Praxis mit Michael Stewart / Mexiko
  • 15.-17.11.2024 - Herzarbeit - Wer bin ich, wenn ich aufhöre mich zurückzuhalten mit Michael Hartenfels und Maren Emde
  • 23.11.2024 - Mantra Yoga Stunde - Feel good, Feel God
  • 23.11.2024 - Yin Yoga mit Katrin Knauth / Berlin
  • 30.11.2024 - Basic: Asana, Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas in Bezug auf die 5 Prana Vayus - mit Mahavishnu Michael Lawrenz-Halbig
  • 01.12.2024 - Das 1x1 der Spiraldynamik ins Yoga integrieren mit Sven Schmieder
  • 15.12.2024 - Yoga Nidra - Entspannung pur zum Advent mit Darshini Ulrike Neidel
  • 18.12.2024 - 108 Sonnengrüße zur Wintersonnenwende
  • 20.12.2024 - JahresausKlang im Yogazentrum mit einer Mantra Yoga Stunde - Feel good, Feel God

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Detailliertere Information zu unseren Workshops findest du weiter unten !

108 Sonnengrüße zur Sommersonnenwende mit Claudia

Mittwoch 19. Juni 2024 von 18.00 -19.45 Uhr im Rahmen der offenen Yogastunde Standard

Lasst uns die neue Jahreszeit begrüßen.

Affirmationen, die Surya Mantren und das Gayatri Mantra gestalten eine immer wiederkehrende Struktur durch die reichliche Stunde Sonnengruß Bewegungsmeditation.

Sie begleiten dich durch diese zauberhaften Herausforderung auf körperlicher und geistiger Ebene.

Das gemeinsame Erleben in der Gruppe tragen dich sicher durch die Zeit.

Preis: 17 € für Einzelstunde oder Zehnerkarte

Anmeldung nicht erforderlich, komm einfach vorbei !

Kaula Hatha Yoga Stunde 120 min mit Melanie Shank / Texas

Freitag 23. August 2024 von 18 - 20 Uhr - mit Übersetzung

Short Biography: Melanie has been a yoga practitioner since 2000. She took her first Hatha Yoga teacher training in 2004 and since then, she has been continuing her studies and trainings in different lineages and paths of wisdom. With commitment and joy, she shares classes, workshops, trainings and retreats in an accessible and authentic way, for all levels and for everyone.  

Since 2009, Melanie has been studying directly with Uma Parvathi Nanda Nath who was encouraged by her guru Amritananda Natha Saraswati to compile these teachings into one system and who then consecrated Kaula Hatha Yoga with his blessings and desire to spread this system out into the world.  This yogic system has profoundly transformed Melanie’s life, personal practice and her teaching. Her intention in sharing Yoga is to offer a sacred and contained space for self-exploration of the subtle layers of the body, mind and Heart, to create a space for the true recognition and experience of unity here in the body, and to transmit the beautiful and powerful practices and techniques from this authentic lineage of Kaula Hatha Yoga.

DESCRIPTION: Kaula Hatha Yoga traces its roots through the Tantric systems, Sri Vidya and alchemical practices from the Nath and Siddha yogis, through the oral traditions of the forest yoginis, back to the origins of the wisdom teachings from India and the primordial teacher, ShivaShakti. 

One of the aims of Kaula Hatha Yoga is to transmute physical, energetic and emotional blockages that limit inherent freedom and perpetuate suffering and the illusion of separation.  These obstructions are stored and expressed in the physical and subtle body, in emotions, thoughts and perceptions that effect decisions, actions and experience in every facet of life.  

A fundamental basis of Kaula Hatha Yoga is the teachings from the Dakini Mandala, a multi layered representation of the connectivity between the 5 elements, the body/mind spectrum and Consciousness/Universal Energy.  The mandala, like a cosmic map, points to the emotions or felt experiences in life and navigates a path to discover the root of the obstructions as well as a wealth of untapped wisdom.  Applying techniques like asana, pranayama, mantra, mudra, energetic alchemy and meditation for each of the 5 elements, this practice creates the opportunity to synchronize with the wisdom and nectar of each element, allowing for healing, transformation and the revelation of the natural state of equanimity, clarity, compassion, trust and wholeness.

Preis: € 20

Anmeldung HIER  - spontanes Kommen ist möglich !

Einführung in Kaula Hatha Yoga mit Melanie Shank / Texas

Samstag 24. August 2024 von 10 - 17 Uhr  mit Übersetzung

Short Biography: Melanie has been a yoga practitioner since 2000. She took her first Hatha Yoga teacher training in 2004 and since then, she has been continuing her studies and trainings in different lineages and paths of wisdom. With commitment and joy, she shares classes, workshops, trainings and retreats in an accessible and authentic way, for all levels and for everyone.  

Since 2009, Melanie has been studying directly with Uma Parvathi Nanda Nath who was encouraged by her guru Amritananda Natha Saraswati to compile these teachings into one system and who then consecrated Kaula Hatha Yoga with his blessings and desire to spread this system out into the world.  This yogic system has profoundly transformed Melanie’s life, personal practice and her teaching. Her intention in sharing Yoga is to offer a sacred and contained space for self-exploration of the subtle layers of the body, mind and Heart, to create a space for the true recognition and experience of unity here in the body, and to transmit the beautiful and powerful practices and techniques from this authentic lineage of Kaula Hatha Yoga.

DESCRIPTION: Kaula Hatha Yoga traces its roots through the Tantric systems, Sri Vidya and alchemical practices from the Nath and Siddha yogis, through the oral traditions of the forest yoginis, back to the origins of the wisdom teachings from India and the primordial teacher, ShivaShakti. 

One of the aims of Kaula Hatha Yoga is to transmute physical, energetic and emotional blockages that limit inherent freedom and perpetuate suffering and the illusion of separation.  These obstructions are stored and expressed in the physical and subtle body, in emotions, thoughts and perceptions that effect decisions, actions and experience in every facet of life.  

A fundamental basis of Kaula Hatha Yoga is the teachings from the Dakini Mandala, a multi layered representation of the connectivity between the 5 elements, the body/mind spectrum and Consciousness/Universal Energy.  The mandala, like a cosmic map, points to the emotions or felt experiences in life and navigates a path to discover the root of the obstructions as well as a wealth of untapped wisdom.  Applying techniques like asana, pranayama, mantra, mudra, energetic alchemy and meditation for each of the 5 elements, this practice creates the opportunity to synchronize with the wisdom and nectar of each element, allowing for healing, transformation and the revelation of the natural state of equanimity, clarity, compassion, trust and wholeness.

Preis: € 90

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Fortgeschrittene Praktiken in Kaula Hatha Yoga mit Melanie Shank / Texas

Sonntag 25. August 2024 von 10 - 14 Uhr mit Übersetzung

Short Biography: Melanie has been a yoga practitioner since 2000. She took her first Hatha Yoga teacher training in 2004 and since then, she has been continuing her studies and trainings in different lineages and paths of wisdom. With commitment and joy, she shares classes, workshops, trainings and retreats in an accessible and authentic way, for all levels and for everyone.  

Since 2009, Melanie has been studying directly with Uma Parvathi Nanda Nath who was encouraged by her guru Amritananda Natha Saraswati to compile these teachings into one system and who then consecrated Kaula Hatha Yoga with his blessings and desire to spread this system out into the world.  This yogic system has profoundly transformed Melanie’s life, personal practice and her teaching. Her intention in sharing Yoga is to offer a sacred and contained space for self-exploration of the subtle layers of the body, mind and Heart, to create a space for the true recognition and experience of unity here in the body, and to transmit the beautiful and powerful practices and techniques from this authentic lineage of Kaula Hatha Yoga.

DESCRIPTION: Kaula Hatha Yoga traces its roots through the Tantric systems, Sri Vidya and alchemical practices from the Nath and Siddha yogis, through the oral traditions of the forest yoginis, back to the origins of the wisdom teachings from India and the primordial teacher, ShivaShakti. 

One of the aims of Kaula Hatha Yoga is to transmute physical, energetic and emotional blockages that limit inherent freedom and perpetuate suffering and the illusion of separation.  These obstructions are stored and expressed in the physical and subtle body, in emotions, thoughts and perceptions that effect decisions, actions and experience in every facet of life.  

A fundamental basis of Kaula Hatha Yoga is the teachings from the Dakini Mandala, a multi layered representation of the connectivity between the 5 elements, the body/mind spectrum and Consciousness/Universal Energy.  The mandala, like a cosmic map, points to the emotions or felt experiences in life and navigates a path to discover the root of the obstructions as well as a wealth of untapped wisdom.  Applying techniques like asana, pranayama, mantra, mudra, energetic alchemy and meditation for each of the 5 elements, this practice creates the opportunity to synchronize with the wisdom and nectar of each element, allowing for healing, transformation and the revelation of the natural state of equanimity, clarity, compassion, trust and wholeness.

Preis: € 60

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Mantra Yoga Stunde - Feel good, Feel God

Samstag 07. September 2024 von 10-12 Uhr

Nada ist Klang. Klang ist Schwingung. Die gesamte Welt besteht aus Schwingung. Alles ist Nada. Die Welt ist aus Nada entstanden. OM ist die erste Schwingung von Klang. OM ist auch der mystische innere Ton, auf den sich der Yogi konzentriert.
Wir laden Euch einmal im Monat ein, zu Nada-Yoga mit verschiedenen Musikern und einer Mischung aus Körperübungen, Atemübungen, Klang und Mantren. „Feel good – Feel God!“.
Du kannst dich treiben lassen... um bei dir anzukommen.

Preis: auf Spendenbasis

Anmeldung nicht erforderlich, komm einfach vorbei!

108 Sonnengrüße zur Tag- und Nachtgleiche im Herbst mit Claudia

Mittwoch 18. September 2024 von 18.00 -19.45 Uhr im Rahmen der offenen Yogastunde Standard

Lasst uns die neue Jahreszeit begrüßen.

Affirmationen, die Surya Mantren und das Gayatri Mantra gestalten eine immer wiederkehrende Struktur durch die reichliche Stunde Sonnengruß Bewegungsmeditation.

Sie begleiten dich durch diese zauberhaften Herausforderung auf körperlicher und geistiger Ebene.

Das gemeinsame Erleben in der Gruppe tragen dich sicher durch die Zeit.

Preis: 17 € für Einzelstunde oder Zehnerkarte

Anmeldung nicht erforderlich, komm einfach vorbei !



Die Liebe in Dir - Eine Praxisreihe für Dein Herz Chakra mit Mahavishnu Michael Lawrenz-Halbig

Samstag 21. September 2024 von 10 - 13 Uhr

Preis: € 45 - YLA € 35

Anmeldung HIER

Information zu den weiteren Workshops werden demnächst eingearbeitet. Hari OM Tat Sat

Seminare & Reatreats auf dem Ananda-Hof bei Dresden

Der liebevoll sanierte Dreiseitenhof bietet Platz für Seminare und Retreats. Mitten in der herzöffnenden Natur, in familiärer Atmosphäre, erlebst du Gemeinschaft mit Gleichgesinnten.

So kannst du tief in Deine Yogapraxis eintauchen.

Wir freuen uns auf Deinen Besuch.

HIER - Informationen - Workshops - Seminare - Retreats